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On May 23, 2024 at 7:20:31 AM UTC, Gravatar Sitti Salmiah:
  • Updated description of Number of Villages/Sub-districts from

    ###Definition: * The number of villages/sub-districts refers to the total count of villages or sub-districts within a specific area, like province or country. * Village: A small, rural community. * Sub-district: This is a level of administrative division below a district. The specific term used can vary depending on the country. Some examples include kecamatan (Indonesia). ###Unit of Measure: * Count ###Year: * 2014 ###Source: * PODES ###SDG Indicator * - ###CPAP Outcome: * - ###CPAP Output: * -
    ###Definition: * __Number of villages/sub-districts__ refers to total count of villages or sub-districts within a specific area, like province or country. * Village: A small, rural community. * Sub-district: This is a level of administrative division below a district. The specific term used can vary depending on the country. Some examples include kecamatan (Indonesia). ###Unit of Measure: * Count ###Year: * 2014 ###Source: * PODES ###SDG Indicator * - ###CPAP Outcome: * - ###CPAP Output: * -