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On December 2, 2024 at 9:46:15 AM UTC, Gravatar Sitti Salmiah:
  • Updated description of Proportion of junior high schools (SMP/MTs) with internet access for pedagogical purposes from

    ###Definition: * __Proportion of junior high schools (SMP/MTs) with internet access for pedagogical purposes__ refers to percentage of junior high schools that have access to internet for educational purposes to support teaching and learning activities. ###Unit of Measure: * Percentage (%) ###Year: * 2022 ###SDG Indicator: * __4.a.1__ Proportion of schools offering basic services, by type of service ###CPAP Outcome: * Education for Early Childhood and Adolescent Development ###CPAP Output: * 2.1 Basic education
    ###Definition: * __Proportion of junior high schools (SMP/MTs) with internet access for pedagogical purposes__ refers to percentage of junior high schools (SMP/MTs) that have access to internet for educational purposes to support teaching and learning activities. ###Unit of Measure: * Percentage (%) ###Year: * 2022 ###SDG Indicator: * __4.a.1__ Proportion of schools offering basic services, by type of service ###CPAP Outcome: * Education for Early Childhood and Adolescent Development ###CPAP Output: * 2.1 Basic education