packages |
[{'author': 'UNICEF', 'author_email': '', 'creator_user_id': '0559a5db-3a26-43ab-a5a7-448bb0b37ded', 'id': '88637c2b-eda8-49e3-972e-8958c3310a38', 'isopen': True, 'license_id': 'other-open', 'license_title': 'Other (Open)', 'maintainer': 'UNICEF', 'maintainer_email': '', 'metadata_created': '2024-05-21T05:00:05.743045', 'metadata_modified': '2024-09-29T05:51:42.824508', 'name': 'literacy-rate-ages-15-59-years', 'notes': '###Definition:\r\n* __Literacy rate (ages 15-59 years)__ refers to percentage of population ages 15 to 59 years who can both read and write with comprehension.\r\n###Unit of Measure:\r\n* Percent (%)\r\n###Year:\r\n* 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023\r\n###SDG Indicator:\r\n* __4,6__ By 2030, ensure that all youth and a substantial proportion of adults, both men and women, achieve literacy and numeracy\r\n###CPAP Outcome:\r\n* Education for Early Childhood and Adolescent Development\r\n###CPAP Output:\r\n* 2.1 Basic education', 'num_resources': 3, 'num_tags': 3, 'organization': {'id': '778c64fd-f237-4bf3-973f-25501e0f5390', 'name': 'unicef', 'title': 'UNICEF', 'type': 'organization', 'description': "UNICEF, officially United Nations Children's Fund, is an agency of the United Nations responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children worldwide. For more than 60 years, UNICEF has been reaching millions of children in Indonesia with development and humanitarian assistance.", 'image_url': '2023-05-22-082907.473359unicef.jpeg', 'created': '2023-05-22T08:20:54.352759', 'is_organization': True, 'approval_status': 'approved', 'state': 'active'}, 'owner_org': '778c64fd-f237-4bf3-973f-25501e0f5390', 'private': False, 'state': 'active', 'title': 'Literacy Rate (ages 15-59 years)', 'type': 'dataset', 'url': 'BPS - SUSENAS', 'version': '', 'resources': [{'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-08-12T03:40:39.040738', 'datastore_active': False, 'description': '###Definition:\r\n* Literacy rate (ages 15-59) in 34 provinces and Indonesia (2015 - 2017).\r\n###Source:\r\n* BPS - SUSENAS\r\n###Year:\r\n* 2015, 2016, 2017', 'format': 'XLSX', 'hash': '', 'id': 'a75d44e3-2c64-4243-8e2a-8524460a0843', 'last_modified': '2024-08-12T03:40:38.994132', 'metadata_modified': '2024-08-12T03:42:48.376609', 'mimetype': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'Data in 34 provinces & Indonesia (2015-2017)', 'package_id': '88637c2b-eda8-49e3-972e-8958c3310a38', 'position': 0, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 22105, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}, {'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-08-12T03:42:48.392629', 'datastore_active': False, 'description': '###Definition:\r\n* Literacy rate (ages 15-59) in 34 provinces and Indonesia (2018 - 2020).\r\n###Source:\r\n* BPS - SUSENAS\r\n###Year:\r\n* 2018, 2019, 2020', 'format': 'XLSX', 'hash': '', 'id': 'fc475191-8607-4931-b66e-4d7246a71d51', 'last_modified': '2024-08-12T03:42:48.353299', 'metadata_modified': '2024-08-12T03:45:12.759458', 'mimetype': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'Data in 34 provinces & Indonesia (2018-2020)', 'package_id': '88637c2b-eda8-49e3-972e-8958c3310a38', 'position': 1, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 21866, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}, {'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-08-12T03:45:12.782907', 'datastore_active': False, 'description': '###Definition:\r\n* Literacy rate (ages 15-59) in 34 provinces and Indonesia (2021 - 2023).\r\n###Source:\r\n* BPS - SUSENAS\r\n###Year:\r\n* 2021, 2022, 2023', 'format': 'XLSX', 'hash': '', 'id': '3ad6a7ba-c965-4eec-b2ad-15429ba52c12', 'last_modified': '2024-08-12T03:45:12.717534', 'metadata_modified': '2024-08-12T03:45:25.595543', 'mimetype': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'Data in 34 provinces & Indonesia (2021-2023)', 'package_id': '88637c2b-eda8-49e3-972e-8958c3310a38', 'position': 2, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 21871, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}], 'tags': [{'display_name': 'BPS', 'id': '67c89d97-dd4c-4057-a69c-cde0e0076f85', 'name': 'BPS', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}, {'display_name': 'Education', 'id': 'dfec31d6-695d-415f-8144-1b45c6809ef5', 'name': 'Education', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}, {'display_name': 'SDG 4', 'id': '1ba3c64b-8853-4f16-9ed7-4908564fdb80', 'name': 'SDG 4', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}], 'extras': [], 'groups': [], 'relationships_as_subject': [], 'relationships_as_object': []}, {'author': 'UNICEF', 'author_email': '', 'creator_user_id': '0559a5db-3a26-43ab-a5a7-448bb0b37ded', 'id': 'c645dc84-850c-488a-ac5d-c91911a59e14', 'isopen': True, 'license_id': 'other-open', 'license_title': 'Other (Open)', 'maintainer': 'UNICEF', 'maintainer_email': '', 'metadata_created': '2024-03-25T09:11:05.678907', 'metadata_modified': '2024-09-29T05:50:51.923485', 'name': 'literacy-rate-ages-15-years-above', 'notes': '###Definition:\r\n* __Literacy rate (ages 15 years and above)__ refers to percentage of population ages 15 years and above who can both read and write with comprehension.\r\n###Unit of Measure:\r\n* Percent (%)\r\n###Year:\r\n* 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023\r\n###SDG Indicator:\r\n* __4,6__ By 2030, ensure that all youth and a substantial proportion of adults, both men and women, achieve literacy and numeracy\r\n###CPAP Outcome:\r\n* Education for Early Childhood and Adolescent Development\r\n###CPAP Output:\r\n* 2.1 Basic education', 'num_resources': 3, 'num_tags': 3, 'organization': {'id': '778c64fd-f237-4bf3-973f-25501e0f5390', 'name': 'unicef', 'title': 'UNICEF', 'type': 'organization', 'description': "UNICEF, officially United Nations Children's Fund, is an agency of the United Nations responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children worldwide. For more than 60 years, UNICEF has been reaching millions of children in Indonesia with development and humanitarian assistance.", 'image_url': '2023-05-22-082907.473359unicef.jpeg', 'created': '2023-05-22T08:20:54.352759', 'is_organization': True, 'approval_status': 'approved', 'state': 'active'}, 'owner_org': '778c64fd-f237-4bf3-973f-25501e0f5390', 'private': False, 'state': 'active', 'title': 'Literacy Rate (ages 15 years and above)', 'type': 'dataset', 'url': 'BPS - SUSENAS', 'version': '', 'resources': [{'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-03-25T09:11:34.637689', 'datastore_active': False, 'description': '###Definition:\r\n* Literacy rate (ages 15 years and above) in 34 provinces and Indonesia.\r\n###Source:\r\n* BPS - SUSENAS\r\n###Year:\r\n* 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023', 'format': 'XLSX', 'hash': '', 'id': '8b0ae3e2-2a1d-4602-ad60-05ed1c934f24', 'last_modified': '2024-08-07T07:32:27.699358', 'metadata_modified': '2024-08-08T09:30:04.300976', 'mimetype': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'Data in 34 provinces & Indonesia', 'package_id': 'c645dc84-850c-488a-ac5d-c91911a59e14', 'position': 0, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 28582, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}, {'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-05-08T03:26:58.908317', 'datastore_active': False, 'description': 'Literacy rate (ages 15 and above) in 34 provinces and Indonesia, aggregated by gender', 'format': 'XLSX', 'hash': '', 'id': '2a4f9f39-8608-4ec8-a0fe-71bb0b62d907', 'last_modified': '2024-08-07T07:33:32.300427', 'metadata_modified': '2024-08-07T07:33:32.318256', 'mimetype': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'Data in 34 provinces & Indonesia, by gender', 'package_id': 'c645dc84-850c-488a-ac5d-c91911a59e14', 'position': 1, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 30810, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}, {'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-05-08T03:39:46.740859', 'datastore_active': False, 'description': 'Literacy rate (ages 15 and above) in 34 provinces and Indonesia, aggregated by geography', 'format': 'XLSX', 'hash': '', 'id': '2653b582-00c5-4b34-81fe-d5f30af63fd4', 'last_modified': '2024-08-07T07:33:59.998486', 'metadata_modified': '2024-08-07T07:34:00.024924', 'mimetype': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'Data in 34 provinces & Indonesia, by geography', 'package_id': 'c645dc84-850c-488a-ac5d-c91911a59e14', 'position': 2, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 30740, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}], 'tags': [{'display_name': 'BPS', 'id': '67c89d97-dd4c-4057-a69c-cde0e0076f85', 'name': 'BPS', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}, {'display_name': 'Education', 'id': 'dfec31d6-695d-415f-8144-1b45c6809ef5', 'name': 'Education', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}, {'display_name': 'SDG 4', 'id': '1ba3c64b-8853-4f16-9ed7-4908564fdb80', 'name': 'SDG 4', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}], 'extras': [], 'groups': [], 'relationships_as_subject': [], 'relationships_as_object': []}, {'author': 'UNICEF', 'author_email': '', 'creator_user_id': '0559a5db-3a26-43ab-a5a7-448bb0b37ded', 'id': 'edf8fe49-9e9b-4565-9de3-03f0e18a3b09', 'isopen': True, 'license_id': 'other-open', 'license_title': 'Other (Open)', 'maintainer': 'UNICEF', 'maintainer_email': '', 'metadata_created': '2024-07-08T02:51:13.317210', 'metadata_modified': '2024-09-29T00:17:37.608386', 'name': 'parity-index-female-male-tertiary-education-enrolment', 'notes': "###Definition:\r\n* __Parity Index (Female/Male) for Tertiary Education Enrolment__ is the ratio of the number of female students enrolled at the tertiary education (university/college) to the number of male students. \r\n* __Parity Index = (Girls' Enrollment Rate / Boys' Enrollment Rate) x 100__\r\n* A parity index of 100 indicates perfect gender parity, meaning there is an equal number of girls and boys enrolled in tertiary education. A parity index below 100 shows that there are fewer girls enrolled than boys, while a parity index above 100 indicates that there are more girls enrolled than boys.\r\n###Unit of Measure:\r\n* Ratio\r\n###Year:\r\n* 2021, 2022, 2023\r\n###SDG Indicators:\r\n* __4.5.1__ Parity indices (female/male, rural/urban, bottom/top wealth quintile and others such as disability status, indigenous peoples and conflict-affected, as data become available) for all education indicators on this list that can be disaggregated\r\n###CPAP Outcome:\r\n* Education for Early Childhood and Adolescent Development\r\n###CPAP Output:\r\n* 2.1 Basic education", 'num_resources': 1, 'num_tags': 3, 'organization': {'id': '778c64fd-f237-4bf3-973f-25501e0f5390', 'name': 'unicef', 'title': 'UNICEF', 'type': 'organization', 'description': "UNICEF, officially United Nations Children's Fund, is an agency of the United Nations responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children worldwide. For more than 60 years, UNICEF has been reaching millions of children in Indonesia with development and humanitarian assistance.", 'image_url': '2023-05-22-082907.473359unicef.jpeg', 'created': '2023-05-22T08:20:54.352759', 'is_organization': True, 'approval_status': 'approved', 'state': 'active'}, 'owner_org': '778c64fd-f237-4bf3-973f-25501e0f5390', 'private': False, 'state': 'active', 'title': 'Parity Index (Female/Male) for Tertiary Education Enrolment', 'type': 'dataset', 'url': 'BPS - SUSENAS', 'version': '', 'resources': [{'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-07-08T02:51:20.262957', 'datastore_active': False, 'description': '###Definition:\r\n* Parity Index (female/male) for tertiary education enrolment, in 34 provinces and Indonesia.\r\n###Source:\r\n* BPS - SUSENAS\r\n###Year:\r\n* 2021, 2022, 2023', 'format': 'XLSX', 'hash': '', 'id': 'd6700708-1bf1-4d68-92fb-1a611be2a539', 'last_modified': '2024-09-29T00:17:37.596196', 'metadata_modified': '2024-09-29T00:17:37.612867', 'mimetype': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'Data in 34 provinces & Indonesia (2021-2023)', 'package_id': 'edf8fe49-9e9b-4565-9de3-03f0e18a3b09', 'position': 0, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 22057, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}], 'tags': [{'display_name': 'BPS', 'id': '67c89d97-dd4c-4057-a69c-cde0e0076f85', 'name': 'BPS', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}, {'display_name': 'Education', 'id': 'dfec31d6-695d-415f-8144-1b45c6809ef5', 'name': 'Education', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}, {'display_name': 'SDG 4', 'id': '1ba3c64b-8853-4f16-9ed7-4908564fdb80', 'name': 'SDG 4', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}], 'extras': [], 'groups': [], 'relationships_as_subject': [], 'relationships_as_object': []}, {'author': 'UNICEF', 'author_email': '', 'creator_user_id': '0559a5db-3a26-43ab-a5a7-448bb0b37ded', 'id': 'dc012711-ec8d-4cf3-9732-c982792dfc2a', 'isopen': True, 'license_id': 'other-open', 'license_title': 'Other (Open)', 'maintainer': 'UNICEF', 'maintainer_email': '', 'metadata_created': '2024-04-07T03:47:35.246870', 'metadata_modified': '2024-09-28T22:06:10.394617', 'name': 'parity-index-female-male-upper-secondary-education-enrolment', 'notes': "###Definition:\r\n* __Parity Index (Female/Male) for Upper Secondary Education Enrolment__ is the ratio of the number of female students enrolled at the upper secondary education to the number of male students. \r\n* __Parity Index = (Girls' Enrollment Rate / Boys' Enrollment Rate) x 100__\r\n* A parity index of 100 indicates perfect gender parity, meaning there is an equal number of girls and boys enrolled in upper secondary education. A parity index below 100 shows that there are fewer girls enrolled than boys, while a parity index above 100 indicates that there are more girls enrolled than boys.\r\n###Unit of Measure:\r\n* Ratio\r\n###Year:\r\n* 2021, 2022, 2023\r\n###SDG Indicators:\r\n* __4.5.1__ Parity indices (female/male, rural/urban, bottom/top wealth quintile and others such as disability status, indigenous peoples and conflict-affected, as data become available) for all education indicators on this list that can be disaggregated\r\n###CPAP Outcome:\r\n* Education for Early Childhood and Adolescent Development\r\n###CPAP Output:\r\n* 2.1 Basic education", 'num_resources': 1, 'num_tags': 3, 'organization': {'id': '778c64fd-f237-4bf3-973f-25501e0f5390', 'name': 'unicef', 'title': 'UNICEF', 'type': 'organization', 'description': "UNICEF, officially United Nations Children's Fund, is an agency of the United Nations responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children worldwide. For more than 60 years, UNICEF has been reaching millions of children in Indonesia with development and humanitarian assistance.", 'image_url': '2023-05-22-082907.473359unicef.jpeg', 'created': '2023-05-22T08:20:54.352759', 'is_organization': True, 'approval_status': 'approved', 'state': 'active'}, 'owner_org': '778c64fd-f237-4bf3-973f-25501e0f5390', 'private': False, 'state': 'active', 'title': 'Parity Index (Female/Male) for Upper Secondary Education Enrolment', 'type': 'dataset', 'url': 'BPS - SUSENAS', 'version': '', 'resources': [{'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-04-07T03:47:54.514615', 'datastore_active': False, 'description': '###Definition:\r\n* Parity Index (female/male) for upper secondary education enrolment, in 34 provinces and Indonesia.\r\n###Source:\r\n* BPS - SUSENAS\r\n###Year:\r\n* 2021, 2022, 2023', 'format': 'XLSX', 'hash': '', 'id': '4bd46894-eb42-4c9a-8b37-90d501f10985', 'last_modified': '2024-09-28T22:06:10.386228', 'metadata_modified': '2024-09-28T22:06:10.398198', 'mimetype': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'Data in 34 provinces & Indonesia (2021-2023)', 'package_id': 'dc012711-ec8d-4cf3-9732-c982792dfc2a', 'position': 0, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 21942, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}], 'tags': [{'display_name': 'BPS', 'id': '67c89d97-dd4c-4057-a69c-cde0e0076f85', 'name': 'BPS', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}, {'display_name': 'Education', 'id': 'dfec31d6-695d-415f-8144-1b45c6809ef5', 'name': 'Education', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}, {'display_name': 'SDG 4', 'id': '1ba3c64b-8853-4f16-9ed7-4908564fdb80', 'name': 'SDG 4', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}], 'extras': [], 'groups': [], 'relationships_as_subject': [], 'relationships_as_object': []}, {'author': 'UNICEF', 'author_email': '', 'creator_user_id': '0559a5db-3a26-43ab-a5a7-448bb0b37ded', 'id': 'd8fc3cf6-1cc9-48b9-b359-5fdd8e1f7c60', 'isopen': True, 'license_id': 'other-open', 'license_title': 'Other (Open)', 'maintainer': 'UNICEF', 'maintainer_email': '', 'metadata_created': '2024-04-07T03:07:37.337244', 'metadata_modified': '2024-09-28T22:05:49.854951', 'name': 'parity-index-female-male-lower-secondary-education-enrolment', 'notes': "###Definition:\r\n* __Parity Index (Female/Male) for Lower Secondary Education Enrolment__ is the ratio of the number of female students enrolled at the lower secondary education to the number of male students. \r\n* __Parity Index = (Girls' Enrollment Rate / Boys' Enrollment Rate) x 100__\r\n* A parity index of 100 indicates perfect gender parity, meaning there is an equal number of girls and boys enrolled in lower secondary education. A parity index below 100 shows that there are fewer girls enrolled than boys, while a parity index above 100 indicates that there are more girls enrolled than boys.\r\n###Unit of Measure:\r\n* Ratio\r\n###Year:\r\n* 2021, 2022, 2023\r\n###SDG Indicators:\r\n* __4.5.1__ Parity indices (female/male, rural/urban, bottom/top wealth quintile and others such as disability status, indigenous peoples and conflict-affected, as data become available) for all education indicators on this list that can be disaggregated\r\n###CPAP Outcome:\r\n* Education for Early Childhood and Adolescent Development\r\n###CPAP Output:\r\n* 2.1 Basic education", 'num_resources': 1, 'num_tags': 3, 'organization': {'id': '778c64fd-f237-4bf3-973f-25501e0f5390', 'name': 'unicef', 'title': 'UNICEF', 'type': 'organization', 'description': "UNICEF, officially United Nations Children's Fund, is an agency of the United Nations responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children worldwide. For more than 60 years, UNICEF has been reaching millions of children in Indonesia with development and humanitarian assistance.", 'image_url': '2023-05-22-082907.473359unicef.jpeg', 'created': '2023-05-22T08:20:54.352759', 'is_organization': True, 'approval_status': 'approved', 'state': 'active'}, 'owner_org': '778c64fd-f237-4bf3-973f-25501e0f5390', 'private': False, 'state': 'active', 'title': 'Parity Index (Female/Male) for Lower Secondary Education Enrolment', 'type': 'dataset', 'url': 'BPS - SUSENAS', 'version': '', 'resources': [{'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-04-07T03:08:08.912232', 'datastore_active': False, 'description': '###Definition:\r\n* Parity Index (female/male) for lower secondary education enrolment, in 34 provinces and Indonesia.\r\n###Source:\r\n* BPS - SUSENAS\r\n###Year:\r\n* 2021, 2022, 2023', 'format': 'XLSX', 'hash': '', 'id': '3944c005-4167-4229-9948-191577086129', 'last_modified': '2024-09-28T21:50:02.990747', 'metadata_modified': '2024-09-28T22:05:49.858391', 'mimetype': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'Data in 34 provinces & Indonesia (2021-2023)', 'package_id': 'd8fc3cf6-1cc9-48b9-b359-5fdd8e1f7c60', 'position': 0, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 21927, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}], 'tags': [{'display_name': 'BPS', 'id': '67c89d97-dd4c-4057-a69c-cde0e0076f85', 'name': 'BPS', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}, {'display_name': 'Education', 'id': 'dfec31d6-695d-415f-8144-1b45c6809ef5', 'name': 'Education', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}, {'display_name': 'SDG 4', 'id': '1ba3c64b-8853-4f16-9ed7-4908564fdb80', 'name': 'SDG 4', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}], 'extras': [], 'groups': [], 'relationships_as_subject': [], 'relationships_as_object': []}, {'author': 'UNICEF', 'author_email': '', 'creator_user_id': '0559a5db-3a26-43ab-a5a7-448bb0b37ded', 'id': '79f5729f-96c5-40b2-986b-20406bb58f27', 'isopen': True, 'license_id': 'other-open', 'license_title': 'Other (Open)', 'maintainer': 'UNICEF', 'maintainer_email': '', 'metadata_created': '2024-04-07T03:35:35.744139', 'metadata_modified': '2024-09-28T22:05:26.038892', 'name': 'parity-index-female-male-primary-education-enrolment', 'notes': "###Definition:\r\n* __Parity Index (Female/Male) for Primary Education Enrolment__ is the ratio of the number of female students enrolled at the primary education to the number of male students. \r\n* __Parity Index = (Girls' Enrollment Rate / Boys' Enrollment Rate) x 100__\r\n* A parity index of 100 indicates perfect gender parity, meaning there is an equal number of girls and boys enrolled in primary education. A parity index below 100 shows that there are fewer girls enrolled than boys, while a parity index above 100 indicates that there are more girls enrolled than boys.\r\n###Unit of Measure:\r\n* Ratio\r\n###Year:\r\n* 2021, 2022, 2023\r\n###SDG Indicators:\r\n* __4.5.1__ Parity indices (female/male, rural/urban, bottom/top wealth quintile and others such as disability status, indigenous peoples and conflict-affected, as data become available) for all education indicators on this list that can be disaggregated\r\n###CPAP Outcome:\r\n* Education for Early Childhood and Adolescent Development\r\n###CPAP Output:\r\n* 2.1 Basic education", 'num_resources': 1, 'num_tags': 3, 'organization': {'id': '778c64fd-f237-4bf3-973f-25501e0f5390', 'name': 'unicef', 'title': 'UNICEF', 'type': 'organization', 'description': "UNICEF, officially United Nations Children's Fund, is an agency of the United Nations responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children worldwide. 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For more than 60 years, UNICEF has been reaching millions of children in Indonesia with development and humanitarian assistance.", 'image_url': '2023-05-22-082907.473359unicef.jpeg', 'created': '2023-05-22T08:20:54.352759', 'is_organization': True, 'approval_status': 'approved', 'state': 'active'}, 'owner_org': '778c64fd-f237-4bf3-973f-25501e0f5390', 'private': False, 'state': 'active', 'title': 'Number of Puskesmas (Community Health Center) with Inpatient Facility', 'type': 'dataset', 'url': 'MOH - Profil Kesehatan Indonesia', 'version': '', 'resources': [{'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-04-04T07:28:48.661074', 'datastore_active': False, 'description': '###Definition:\r\n* Number of Puskesmas (Community Health Center) with Inpatient Facility in 38 provinces and Indonesia.\r\n###Source:\r\n* MOH - Profil Kesehatan Indonesia\r\n###Year:\r\n* 2021, 2022, 2023', 'format': 'XLSX', 'hash': '', 'id': '2ba77d93-c17d-4123-a639-5287ca1e0167', 'last_modified': '2024-09-24T03:27:35.931789', 'metadata_modified': '2024-09-24T03:45:08.854357', 'mimetype': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'Data in 38 provinces & Indonesia (2021-2023)', 'package_id': 'ec515428-f19c-4485-9a47-1b04edc193ba', 'position': 0, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 22178, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}], 'tags': [{'display_name': 'Health', 'id': '9088ef56-dd57-4175-9bf4-f74f76b2fc2e', 'name': 'Health', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}, {'display_name': 'MOH', 'id': '111932e9-45d4-43fc-9683-2cabac1a755a', 'name': 'MOH', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}, {'display_name': 'SDG 3', 'id': 'f94a69f6-66b9-4b01-b964-4f0aa00571d2', 'name': 'SDG 3', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}], 'extras': [], 'groups': [], 'relationships_as_subject': [], 'relationships_as_object': []}, {'author': 'UNICEF', 'author_email': '', 'creator_user_id': '0559a5db-3a26-43ab-a5a7-448bb0b37ded', 'id': '446f40ab-024e-4ded-9059-b4a39e1c7d7d', 'isopen': True, 'license_id': 'other-open', 'license_title': 'Other (Open)', 'maintainer': 'UNICEF', 'maintainer_email': '', 'metadata_created': '2024-09-24T03:29:42.645633', 'metadata_modified': '2024-09-28T05:52:45.341758', 'name': 'number-puskesmas-community-health-center-without-inpatient-facility', 'notes': '###Definition:\r\n* Number of Puskesmas (Community Health Center) without Inpatient Facility\r\n###Unit of Measure:\r\n* Count\r\n###Year:\r\n* 2021, 2022, 2023\r\n###SDG Indicator:\r\n* __3.b.3__ Proportion of health facilities that have a core set of relevant essential medicines available and affordable on a sustainable basis\r\n###CPAP Outcome:\r\n* Child Survival and Development\r\n###CPAP Output:\r\n* 1.6 Planning', 'num_resources': 1, 'num_tags': 3, 'organization': {'id': '778c64fd-f237-4bf3-973f-25501e0f5390', 'name': 'unicef', 'title': 'UNICEF', 'type': 'organization', 'description': "UNICEF, officially United Nations Children's Fund, is an agency of the United Nations responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children worldwide. For more than 60 years, UNICEF has been reaching millions of children in Indonesia with development and humanitarian assistance.", 'image_url': '2023-05-22-082907.473359unicef.jpeg', 'created': '2023-05-22T08:20:54.352759', 'is_organization': True, 'approval_status': 'approved', 'state': 'active'}, 'owner_org': '778c64fd-f237-4bf3-973f-25501e0f5390', 'private': False, 'state': 'active', 'title': 'Number of Puskesmas (Community Health Center) without Inpatient Facility', 'type': 'dataset', 'url': 'MOH - Profil Kesehatan Indonesia', 'version': '', 'resources': [{'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-09-24T03:45:19.992372', 'datastore_active': False, 'description': '###Definition:\r\n* Number of Puskesmas (Community Health Center) without Inpatient Facility in 38 provinces and Indonesia.\r\n###Source:\r\n* MOH - Profil Kesehatan Indonesia\r\n###Year:\r\n* 2021, 2022, 2023', 'format': 'XLSX', 'hash': '', 'id': 'c1e9e76c-a0df-43be-af14-164021975772', 'last_modified': '2024-09-24T03:45:19.956181', 'metadata_modified': '2024-09-24T03:45:49.797802', 'mimetype': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'Data in 38 provinces & Indonesia (2021-2023)', 'package_id': '446f40ab-024e-4ded-9059-b4a39e1c7d7d', 'position': 0, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 22174, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}], 'tags': [{'display_name': 'Health', 'id': '9088ef56-dd57-4175-9bf4-f74f76b2fc2e', 'name': 'Health', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}, {'display_name': 'MOH', 'id': '111932e9-45d4-43fc-9683-2cabac1a755a', 'name': 'MOH', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}, {'display_name': 'SDG 3', 'id': 'f94a69f6-66b9-4b01-b964-4f0aa00571d2', 'name': 'SDG 3', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}], 'extras': [], 'groups': [], 'relationships_as_subject': [], 'relationships_as_object': []}, {'author': 'UNICEF', 'author_email': '', 'creator_user_id': '0559a5db-3a26-43ab-a5a7-448bb0b37ded', 'id': '955aac4f-4f5c-4d51-ac47-83ee4e30c561', 'isopen': True, 'license_id': 'other-open', 'license_title': 'Other (Open)', 'maintainer': 'UNICEF', 'maintainer_email': '', 'metadata_created': '2024-03-28T07:54:16.569300', 'metadata_modified': '2024-09-28T05:52:23.364712', 'name': 'puskesmas-community-health-center-to-subdistrict-ratio', 'notes': '###Definition:\r\n* __Puskesmas (Community Health Center)-to-Subdistrict Ratio__ refers to the ratio to measure the distribution of Puskesmas (Community Health Center) within a subdistrict (kecamatan). A higher ratio indicates the greater availability of healthcare facilities in the subdistrict, while a lower ratio suggests a potential need for more Puskesmas to serve the population.\r\n###Unit of Measure:\r\n* Ratio\r\n###Year:\r\n* 2021, 2022, 2023\r\n###SDG Indicator:\r\n* __3.b.3__ Proportion of health facilities that have a core set of relevant essential medicines available and affordable on a sustainable basis\r\n###CPAP Outcome:\r\n* Child Survival and Development\r\n###CPAP Output:\r\n* 1.6 Planning', 'num_resources': 1, 'num_tags': 3, 'organization': {'id': '778c64fd-f237-4bf3-973f-25501e0f5390', 'name': 'unicef', 'title': 'UNICEF', 'type': 'organization', 'description': "UNICEF, officially United Nations Children's Fund, is an agency of the United Nations responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children worldwide. For more than 60 years, UNICEF has been reaching millions of children in Indonesia with development and humanitarian assistance.", 'image_url': '2023-05-22-082907.473359unicef.jpeg', 'created': '2023-05-22T08:20:54.352759', 'is_organization': True, 'approval_status': 'approved', 'state': 'active'}, 'owner_org': '778c64fd-f237-4bf3-973f-25501e0f5390', 'private': False, 'state': 'active', 'title': 'Puskesmas (Community Health Center)-to-Subdistrict Ratio', 'type': 'dataset', 'url': 'MOH - Profil Kesehatan Indonesia', 'version': '', 'resources': [{'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-03-28T07:54:59.334167', 'datastore_active': False, 'description': '###Definition:\r\n* Puskesmas (Community Health Center)-to-Subdistrict ratio in 38 provinces and Indonesia.\r\n###Source:\r\n* MOH - Profil Kesehatan Indonesia\r\n###Year:\r\n* 2021, 2022, 2023', 'format': 'XLSX', 'hash': '', 'id': 'c9cca163-2b12-4c75-9211-c9a0b6c3b3d2', 'last_modified': '2024-09-24T08:08:08.523324', 'metadata_modified': '2024-09-24T08:09:06.029418', 'mimetype': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'Data in 38 provinces & Indonesia (2021-2023)', 'package_id': '955aac4f-4f5c-4d51-ac47-83ee4e30c561', 'position': 0, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 22053, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}], 'tags': [{'display_name': 'Health', 'id': '9088ef56-dd57-4175-9bf4-f74f76b2fc2e', 'name': 'Health', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}, {'display_name': 'MOH', 'id': '111932e9-45d4-43fc-9683-2cabac1a755a', 'name': 'MOH', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}, {'display_name': 'SDG 3', 'id': 'f94a69f6-66b9-4b01-b964-4f0aa00571d2', 'name': 'SDG 3', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}], 'extras': [], 'groups': [], 'relationships_as_subject': [], 'relationships_as_object': []}, {'author': 'UNICEF', 'author_email': '', 'creator_user_id': '0559a5db-3a26-43ab-a5a7-448bb0b37ded', 'id': '1751128b-fa42-4f4e-a63c-99ceffd6eb59', 'isopen': True, 'license_id': 'other-open', 'license_title': 'Other (Open)', 'maintainer': 'UNICEF', 'maintainer_email': '', 'metadata_created': '2024-03-28T08:06:50.182368', 'metadata_modified': '2024-09-28T05:51:55.830143', 'name': 'hospital-ratio-per-1000-population', 'notes': '###Definition:\r\n* __Hospital Ratio per 10,000 Population__ refers to the number of hospitals per 1,000 people in a population. This ratio provides a basic understanding of the accessibility of healthcare facilities for a community.\r\n###Unit of Measure:\r\n* Ratio (per 1,000 population)\r\n###Year:\r\n* 2021, 2022, 2023\r\n###SDG Indicator:\r\n* __3.b.3__ Proportion of health facilities that have a core set of relevant essential medicines available and affordable on a sustainable basis\r\n###CPAP Outcome:\r\n* Child Survival and Development\r\n###CPAP Output:\r\n* 1.6 Planning', 'num_resources': 1, 'num_tags': 3, 'organization': {'id': '778c64fd-f237-4bf3-973f-25501e0f5390', 'name': 'unicef', 'title': 'UNICEF', 'type': 'organization', 'description': "UNICEF, officially United Nations Children's Fund, is an agency of the United Nations responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children worldwide. 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