Installation paths relative to:
Package | Version | Installed Path |
alabaster | 0.7.13 | |
alembic | 1.0.0 | |
arrow | 1.2.3 | |
asttokens | 2.2.1 | |
atomicwrites | 1.4.1 | |
attrs | 22.2.0 | |
Babel | 2.7.0 | |
backcall | 0.2.0 | |
Beaker | 1.11.0 | |
beautifulsoup4 | 4.9.1 | |
binaryornot | 0.4.4 | |
bleach | 3.1.4 | |
blinker | 1.5 | |
certifi | 2021.5.30 | |
chardet | 4.0.0 | |
ckan | 2.9.7 | |
ckanext-basiccharts | 0.1 | ckanext_basiccharts-0.1-py3.8.egg |
ckanext-dia-theme | 3.1.0 | /usr/lib/ckan/default/src/ckan/contrib/cookiecutter/ckan_extension/ckanext-dia_theme/ckanext-dia_theme |
ckanext-officedocs | 1.1.0 | ckanext_officedocs-1.1.0-py3.8.egg |
ckanext-xloader | 0.12.2 | |
click | 7.1.2 | |
cookiecutter | 1.7.0 | |
coverage | 6.5.0 | |
coveralls | 3.3.1 | |
datapusher | 0.0.21 | datapusher-0.0.21-py3.8.egg |
decorator | 5.1.1 | |
docopt | 0.6.2 | |
docutils | 0.12 | |
dominate | 2.4.0 | |
executing | 1.2.0 | |
factory-boy | 2.12.0 | |
Faker | 16.8.1 | |
fanstatic | 1.1 | |
feedgen | 0.9.0 | |
Flask | 1.1.1 | |
Flask-Babel | 1.0.0 | |
Flask-DebugToolbar | 0.11.0 | |
flask-multistatic | 1.0 | |
freezegun | 0.3.15 | |
funcsigs | 1.0.2 | |
future | 0.18.3 | |
idna | 2.10 | |
imagesize | 1.4.1 | |
importlib-metadata | 6.0.0 | |
incremental | 22.10.0 | |
ipdb | 0.13.2 | |
ipython | 8.10.0 | |
itsdangerous | 1.1.0 | |
jedi | 0.18.2 | |
Jinja2 | 2.10.1 | |
jinja2-time | 0.2.0 | |
lxml | 4.6.3 | |
Mako | 1.1.5 | |
Markdown | 3.4.1 | |
MarkupSafe | 1.1.1 | |
matplotlib-inline | 0.1.6 | |
mock | 2.0.0 | |
more-itertools | 9.0.0 | |
nose | 1.3.7 | |
packaging | 23.0 | |
parso | 0.8.3 | |
passlib | 1.6.5 | |
pbr | 5.11.1 | |
pexpect | 4.8.0 | |
pickleshare | 0.7.5 | |
pip | 24.1.2 | |
pip-tools | 5.1.2 | |
pkg-resources | 0.0.0 | |
pluggy | 0.13.1 | |
polib | 1.0.7 | |
poyo | 0.5.0 | |
prompt-toolkit | 3.0.36 | |
psycopg2 | 2.9.3 | |
ptyprocess | 0.7.0 | |
pure-eval | 0.2.2 | |
py | 1.11.0 | |
pycodestyle | 2.5.0 | |
pyfakefs | 3.2 | |
Pygments | 2.14.0 | |
PyJWT | 1.7.1 | |
pysolr | 3.6.0 | |
pytest | 4.6.5 | |
pytest-cov | 2.7.1 | |
pytest-freezegun | 0.4.1 | |
pytest-rerunfailures | 8.0 | |
pytest-split-tests | 1.0.9 | |
python-dateutil | 2.8.2 | |
python-editor | 1.0.4 | |
python-magic | 0.4.15 | |
pytz | 2016.7 | |
PyUtilib | 5.7.1 | |
PyYAML | 5.4.1 | |
redis | 3.5.3 | |
repoze.lru | 0.7 | |
repoze.who | 2.3 | |
requests | 2.25.1 | |
responses | 0.10.14 | |
Routes | 1.13 | |
rq | 1.0 | |
setuptools | 44.1.0 | |
shutilwhich | 1.1.0 | |
simplejson | 3.10.0 | |
six | 1.16.0 | |
snowballstemmer | 2.2.0 | |
soupsieve | 2.3.2.post1 | |
Sphinx | 1.8.5 | |
sphinx-rtd-theme | 0.4.3 | |
sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml | 1.1.5 | |
sphinxcontrib-websupport | 1.2.4 | |
SQLAlchemy | 1.3.5 | |
sqlparse | 0.3.0 | |
stack-data | 0.6.2 | |
toml | 0.10.2 | |
towncrier | 19.2.0 | |
traitlets | 5.9.0 | |
tzlocal | 1.3 | |
unicodecsv | 0.14.1 | |
urllib3 | 1.26.6 | |
uWSGI | 2.0.21 | |
watchdog | 2.1.5 | |
wcwidth | 0.2.6 | |
webassets | 0.12.1 | |
webencodings | 0.5.1 | |
WebOb | 1.8.7 | |
Werkzeug | 1.0.0 | |
whichcraft | 0.6.1 | |
zipp | 3.11.0 | |
zope.interface | 4.3.2 |
Resource | Value |
User CPU time | 21.502 msec |
System CPU time | 0.000 msec |
Total CPU time | 21.502 msec |
Elapsed time | 25.445 msec |
Context switches | 10 voluntary, 1 involuntary |
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SERVER_NAME | ip-10-10-3-136 |
SERVER_PORT | 8080 |
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localised_nice_date at 0x7f7421f35040>, 'localised_filesize': <function localised_filesize at 0x7f7421f35160>, 'get_available_locales': <function get_available_locales at 0x7f742319e0d0>, 'get_locales_dict': <function get_locales_dict at 0x7f742319e040>, 'literal': <class 'ckan.lib.helpers.literal'>, 'asbool': <function asbool at 0x7f7423829dc0>, 'urlencode': <function urlencode at 0x7f7424952160>, 'include_asset': <function include_asset at 0x7f7421e4e430>, 'render_assets': <function render_assets at 0x7f7421e4e550>, 'sanitize_id': <function sanitize_id at 0x7f7421e55310>, 'compare_pkg_dicts': <function compare_pkg_dicts at 0x7f7421e553a0>, 'activity_list_select': <function activity_list_select at 0x7f7421e55430>, 'get_collaborators': <function get_collaborators at 0x7f7421e554c0>, 'can_update_owner_org': <function can_update_owner_org at 0x7f7421e55550>, 'check_ckan_version': <function check_ckan_version at 0x7f7421e555e0>, 'csrf_input': <function csrf_input at 0x7f7421e55670>, 'get_map_config': <function get_mapview_config at 0x7f742061e3a0>, 'get_dataproxy_url': <function get_dataproxy_url at 0x7f742061e5e0>, 'datapusher_status': <function datapusher_status at 0x7f74205c5dc0>, 'datapusher_status_description': <function datapusher_status_description at 0x7f74205c5e50>, 'datastore_dictionary': <function datastore_dictionary at 0x7f74205f7430>} |
SECRET_KEY | 'J5xBLvomdAuyPcxHjK0K1GPFW' |
SEND_FILE_MAX_AGE_DEFAULT | datetime.timedelta(seconds=43200) |
solr_url | '' |
sqlalchemy.pool_pre_ping | True |
sqlalchemy.url | 'postgresql://ckan_default:B5yWJm88ur@3@localhost/ckan_default' |
TESTING | False |
use | 'egg:ckan' |
who.config_file | '/etc/ckan/default/who.ini' |
who.log_file | '/tmp/default//who_log.ini' |
who.log_level | 'warning' |
Variable | Value |
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g | <flask.g of 'ckan.config.middleware.flask_app'> |
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package | {'author': 'UNICEF', 'author_email': '', 'creator_user_id': '0559a5db-3a26-43ab-a5a7-448bb0b37ded', 'id': '00dfa3b8-0174-4059-8ee2-c4f947c83285', 'isopen': True, 'license_id': 'other-open', 'license_title': 'Other (Open)', 'maintainer': 'UNICEF', 'maintainer_email': '', 'metadata_created': '2024-12-05T04:15:40.971152', 'metadata_modified': '2024-12-05T04:21:58.215469', 'name': 'number-vocational-high-schools-smk-mak-access-computers-pedagogical-purposes', 'notes': '###Definition:\r\n* __Number of vocational high schools (SMK/MAK) with access to computers for pedagogical purposes__ refers to the number of vocational high schools (SMK/MAK) that have access to computers for educational purposes to support teaching and learning activities.\r\n###Unit of Measure:\r\n* Count\r\n###Year:\r\n* 2022\r\n###SDG Indicator:\r\n* __4.a.1__ Proportion of schools offering basic services, by type of service\r\n###CPAP Outcome:\r\n* Education for Early Childhood and Adolescent Development\r\n###CPAP Output:\r\n* 2.1 Basic education', 'num_resources': 2, 'num_tags': 4, 'organization': {'id': '778c64fd-f237-4bf3-973f-25501e0f5390', 'name': 'unicef', 'title': 'UNICEF', 'type': 'organization', 'description': "UNICEF, officially United Nations Children's Fund, is an agency of the United Nations responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children worldwide. For more than 60 years, UNICEF has been reaching millions of children in Indonesia with development and humanitarian assistance.", 'image_url': '2023-05-22-082907.473359unicef.jpeg', 'created': '2023-05-22T08:20:54.352759', 'is_organization': True, 'approval_status': 'approved', 'state': 'active'}, 'owner_org': '778c64fd-f237-4bf3-973f-25501e0f5390', 'private': False, 'state': 'active', 'title': 'Number of vocational high schools (SMK/MAK) with access to computers for pedagogical purposes', 'type': 'dataset', 'url': 'Kemdikbud (Ministry of Education)', 'version': '', 'resources': [{'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-12-05T04:17:35.694261', 'datastore_active': False, 'description': '###Definition:\r\n* Number of vocational high schools (SMK/MAK) with access to computers for pedagogical purposes, in 34 provinces and Indonesia.\r\n###Source:\r\n* Kemdikbud (Ministry of Education)\r\n###Year:\r\n* 2022', 'format': 'XLSX', 'hash': '', 'id': 'cad3cde0-c388-4f12-9302-482844881a9b', 'last_modified': '2024-12-05T04:17:35.653930', 'metadata_modified': '2024-12-05T04:17:35.900412', 'mimetype': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'Data in 34 provinces & Indonesia (2022)', 'package_id': '00dfa3b8-0174-4059-8ee2-c4f947c83285', 'position': 0, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 10332, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}, {'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-12-05T04:21:58.239743', 'datastore_active': False, 'description': '###Definition:\r\n* Number of vocational high schools (SMK/MAK) with access to computers for pedagogical purposes, in 514 districts of Indonesia.\r\n###Source:\r\n* Kemdikbud (Ministry of Education)\r\n###Year:\r\n* 2022', 'format': 'XLSX', 'hash': '', 'id': '48a1cd6f-1c86-4782-9d10-0bf3517b28e4', 'last_modified': '2024-12-05T04:21:58.193804', 'metadata_modified': '2024-12-05T04:21:58.220533', 'mimetype': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'Data in 514 districts (2022)', 'package_id': '00dfa3b8-0174-4059-8ee2-c4f947c83285', 'position': 1, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 32264, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}], 'tags': [{'display_name': 'Education', 'id': 'dfec31d6-695d-415f-8144-1b45c6809ef5', 'name': 'Education', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}, {'display_name': 'Kemdikbud', 'id': '29b3b083-476c-43a3-825c-4301a7b060c3', 'name': 'Kemdikbud', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}, {'display_name': 'SDG', 'id': '27a90a95-ff73-4dc3-8457-65160fc73eba', 'name': 'SDG', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}, {'display_name': 'SDG 4', 'id': '1ba3c64b-8853-4f16-9ed7-4908564fdb80', 'name': 'SDG 4', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}], 'extras': [], 'groups': [], 'relationships_as_subject': [], 'relationships_as_object': []} |
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Variable | Value |
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package | {'author': 'UNICEF', 'author_email': '', 'creator_user_id': '0559a5db-3a26-43ab-a5a7-448bb0b37ded', 'id': '00dfa3b8-0174-4059-8ee2-c4f947c83285', 'isopen': True, 'license_id': 'other-open', 'license_title': 'Other (Open)', 'maintainer': 'UNICEF', 'maintainer_email': '', 'metadata_created': '2024-12-05T04:15:40.971152', 'metadata_modified': '2024-12-05T04:21:58.215469', 'name': 'number-vocational-high-schools-smk-mak-access-computers-pedagogical-purposes', 'notes': '###Definition:\r\n* __Number of vocational high schools (SMK/MAK) with access to computers for pedagogical purposes__ refers to the number of vocational high schools (SMK/MAK) that have access to computers for educational purposes to support teaching and learning activities.\r\n###Unit of Measure:\r\n* Count\r\n###Year:\r\n* 2022\r\n###SDG Indicator:\r\n* __4.a.1__ Proportion of schools offering basic services, by type of service\r\n###CPAP Outcome:\r\n* Education for Early Childhood and Adolescent Development\r\n###CPAP Output:\r\n* 2.1 Basic education', 'num_resources': 2, 'num_tags': 4, 'organization': {'id': '778c64fd-f237-4bf3-973f-25501e0f5390', 'name': 'unicef', 'title': 'UNICEF', 'type': 'organization', 'description': "UNICEF, officially United Nations Children's Fund, is an agency of the United Nations responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children worldwide. For more than 60 years, UNICEF has been reaching millions of children in Indonesia with development and humanitarian assistance.", 'image_url': '2023-05-22-082907.473359unicef.jpeg', 'created': '2023-05-22T08:20:54.352759', 'is_organization': True, 'approval_status': 'approved', 'state': 'active'}, 'owner_org': '778c64fd-f237-4bf3-973f-25501e0f5390', 'private': False, 'state': 'active', 'title': 'Number of vocational high schools (SMK/MAK) with access to computers for pedagogical purposes', 'type': 'dataset', 'url': 'Kemdikbud (Ministry of Education)', 'version': '', 'resources': [{'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-12-05T04:17:35.694261', 'datastore_active': False, 'description': '###Definition:\r\n* Number of vocational high schools (SMK/MAK) with access to computers for pedagogical purposes, in 34 provinces and Indonesia.\r\n###Source:\r\n* Kemdikbud (Ministry of Education)\r\n###Year:\r\n* 2022', 'format': 'XLSX', 'hash': '', 'id': 'cad3cde0-c388-4f12-9302-482844881a9b', 'last_modified': '2024-12-05T04:17:35.653930', 'metadata_modified': '2024-12-05T04:17:35.900412', 'mimetype': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'Data in 34 provinces & Indonesia (2022)', 'package_id': '00dfa3b8-0174-4059-8ee2-c4f947c83285', 'position': 0, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 10332, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}, {'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-12-05T04:21:58.239743', 'datastore_active': False, 'description': '###Definition:\r\n* Number of vocational high schools (SMK/MAK) with access to computers for pedagogical purposes, in 514 districts of Indonesia.\r\n###Source:\r\n* Kemdikbud (Ministry of Education)\r\n###Year:\r\n* 2022', 'format': 'XLSX', 'hash': '', 'id': '48a1cd6f-1c86-4782-9d10-0bf3517b28e4', 'last_modified': '2024-12-05T04:21:58.193804', 'metadata_modified': '2024-12-05T04:21:58.220533', 'mimetype': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'Data in 514 districts (2022)', 'package_id': '00dfa3b8-0174-4059-8ee2-c4f947c83285', 'position': 1, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 32264, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}], 'tags': [{'display_name': 'Education', 'id': 'dfec31d6-695d-415f-8144-1b45c6809ef5', 'name': 'Education', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}, {'display_name': 'Kemdikbud', 'id': '29b3b083-476c-43a3-825c-4301a7b060c3', 'name': 'Kemdikbud', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}, {'display_name': 'SDG', 'id': '27a90a95-ff73-4dc3-8457-65160fc73eba', 'name': 'SDG', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}, {'display_name': 'SDG 4', 'id': '1ba3c64b-8853-4f16-9ed7-4908564fdb80', 'name': 'SDG 4', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}], 'extras': [], 'groups': [], 'relationships_as_subject': [], 'relationships_as_object': []} |
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session | {'_domain': None, '_path': '/', '_accessed_time': 1740277976.917149, '_creation_time': 1740277976.917149} |
ungettext | <function ungettext at 0x7f74238295e0> |
The toolbar was unable to fetch the SQLAlchemy queries for this request. To enable the SQLAlchemy query display, please:
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No messages logged.
URL route | Endpoint name | HTTP methods | Is alias | Redirect to |
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/dataset/<id>/resource/new | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
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/dataset/activity/<id> | dataset.activity | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/changes/<id> | dataset.changes | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
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/dataset/new | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
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/dataset/unfollow/<id> | dataset.unfollow | OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
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/feeds/organization/<string:id>.atom | feeds.organization | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
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/group/<id> | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
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/group/activity/<id>/<int:offset> | group.activity | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/group/admins/<id> | group.admins | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
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/group/members/<id> | group.members | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/group/new | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
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/organization/<id> | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
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/organization/new | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/organization/unfollow/<id> | organization.unfollow | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
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/user/followers/<id> | user.followers | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/user/generate_key | user.generate_apikey | OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/user/generate_key/<id> | user.generate_apikey | OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/user/logged_in | user.logged_in | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/user/logged_out | user.logged_out | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/user/logged_out_redirect | user.logged_out_page | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/user/login | user.login | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/user/me | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/user/register | user.register | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/user/reset | user.request_reset | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/user/reset/<id> | user.perform_reset | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/user/unfollow/<id> | user.unfollow | OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/util/redirect | util.internal_redirect | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/webassets/<path:path> | webassets.index | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/zh_CN/ | home.redirect_locale | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/zh_CN/<path:path> | home.redirect_locale | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/zh_TW/ | home.redirect_locale | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/zh_TW/<path:path> | home.redirect_locale | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |