packages |
[{'author': 'UNICEF', 'author_email': '', 'creator_user_id': '0559a5db-3a26-43ab-a5a7-448bb0b37ded', 'id': '0151cfba-6131-4b9a-926d-d593ccc8a185', 'isopen': True, 'license_id': 'other-open', 'license_title': 'Other (Open)', 'maintainer': 'UNICEF', 'maintainer_email': '', 'metadata_created': '2024-08-05T07:34:47.535598', 'metadata_modified': '2024-10-08T04:23:03.081471', 'name': 'morbidity-rate', 'notes': '###Definition:\r\n* __Morbidity Rate__ is the measure of how often a disease or illness occurs in a specific population. It essentially indicates the proportion of people who are unhealthy within a given group.\r\n###Unit of Measure:\r\n* Percent (%)\r\n###Year:\r\n* 2017, 2018, 2019, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023\r\n###SDG Indicator:\r\n* -\r\n###CPAP Outcome:\r\n* -\r\n###CPAP Output:\r\n* -', 'num_resources': 3, 'num_tags': 4, 'organization': {'id': '778c64fd-f237-4bf3-973f-25501e0f5390', 'name': 'unicef', 'title': 'UNICEF', 'type': 'organization', 'description': "UNICEF, officially United Nations Children's Fund, is an agency of the United Nations responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children worldwide. For more than 60 years, UNICEF has been reaching millions of children in Indonesia with development and humanitarian assistance.", 'image_url': '2023-05-22-082907.473359unicef.jpeg', 'created': '2023-05-22T08:20:54.352759', 'is_organization': True, 'approval_status': 'approved', 'state': 'active'}, 'owner_org': '778c64fd-f237-4bf3-973f-25501e0f5390', 'private': False, 'state': 'active', 'title': 'Morbidity Rate', 'type': 'dataset', 'url': 'BPS - SUSENAS KOR', 'version': '', 'resources': [{'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-08-05T07:52:36.903125', 'datastore_active': False, 'description': 'Morbidity rate in 34 provinces and Indonesia', 'format': 'XLSX', 'hash': '', 'id': '2aaef52b-4970-45c7-8751-0271ba6039b0', 'last_modified': '2024-08-06T03:46:26.254528', 'metadata_modified': '2024-08-06T03:46:26.275204', 'mimetype': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'Data in 34 provinces & Indonesia', 'package_id': '0151cfba-6131-4b9a-926d-d593ccc8a185', 'position': 0, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 16999, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}, {'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-08-05T07:47:12.365727', 'datastore_active': False, 'description': 'Morbidity rate in 34 provinces and Indonesia, aggregated by gender', 'format': 'XLSX', 'hash': '', 'id': '1a015fca-76e2-4cd0-bb54-997be823a043', 'last_modified': '2024-08-06T03:48:38.147626', 'metadata_modified': '2024-08-06T03:52:00.970205', 'mimetype': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'Data in 34 provinces & Indonesia, by gender', 'package_id': '0151cfba-6131-4b9a-926d-d593ccc8a185', 'position': 1, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 18771, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}, {'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-08-05T07:53:30.885727', 'datastore_active': False, 'description': 'Morbidity rate in 34 provinces and Indonesia, aggregated by geography', 'format': 'XLSX', 'hash': '', 'id': 'eaf18230-e04a-4d9c-af94-f2f43315d253', 'last_modified': '2024-08-06T03:49:36.830669', 'metadata_modified': '2024-08-06T03:49:36.851709', 'mimetype': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'Data in 34 provinces & Indonesia, by geography', 'package_id': '0151cfba-6131-4b9a-926d-d593ccc8a185', 'position': 2, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 18808, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}], 'tags': [{'display_name': 'BPS', 'id': '67c89d97-dd4c-4057-a69c-cde0e0076f85', 'name': 'BPS', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}, {'display_name': 'Health', 'id': '9088ef56-dd57-4175-9bf4-f74f76b2fc2e', 'name': 'Health', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}, {'display_name': 'SDG', 'id': '27a90a95-ff73-4dc3-8457-65160fc73eba', 'name': 'SDG', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}, {'display_name': 'SDG 3', 'id': 'f94a69f6-66b9-4b01-b964-4f0aa00571d2', 'name': 'SDG 3', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}], 'extras': [], 'groups': [], 'relationships_as_subject': [], 'relationships_as_object': []}, {'author': 'UNICEF', 'author_email': '', 'creator_user_id': '0559a5db-3a26-43ab-a5a7-448bb0b37ded', 'id': '47ee4b89-6d05-4aa3-8b01-c7d46cb9d0db', 'isopen': True, 'license_id': 'other-open', 'license_title': 'Other (Open)', 'maintainer': 'UNICEF', 'maintainer_email': '', 'metadata_created': '2024-08-06T04:42:39.723576', 'metadata_modified': '2024-10-07T09:54:57.041989', 'name': 'percentage-children-under-5-years-received-dpt-vaccination', 'notes': '###Definition:\r\n* Percentage of children under 5 years who have received DPT vaccination. __DPT__ is a combination vaccine that protects against three serious childhood diseases:\r\n* __Diphtheria__: A bacterial infection that can cause a thick gray coating to form on the tonsils and throat, making it difficult to breathe.\r\n* __Pertussis (whooping cough)__: A highly contagious respiratory illness that causes uncontrollable coughing fits.\r\n* __Tetanus (lockjaw)__: A bacterial infection that affects the nervous system, causing painful muscle contractions.\r\n###Unit of Measure:\r\n* Percent (%)\r\n###Year:\r\n* 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023\r\n###SDG Indicator:\r\n* __3.3__ By 2030, end the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases and combat hepatitis, water-borne diseases and other communicable diseases\r\n###CPAP Outcome:\r\n* Child Survival and Development\r\n###CPAP Output:\r\n* 1.5 EPI/Malaria/HIV', 'num_resources': 3, 'num_tags': 4, 'organization': {'id': '778c64fd-f237-4bf3-973f-25501e0f5390', 'name': 'unicef', 'title': 'UNICEF', 'type': 'organization', 'description': "UNICEF, officially United Nations Children's Fund, is an agency of the United Nations responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children worldwide. For more than 60 years, UNICEF has been reaching millions of children in Indonesia with development and humanitarian assistance.", 'image_url': '2023-05-22-082907.473359unicef.jpeg', 'created': '2023-05-22T08:20:54.352759', 'is_organization': True, 'approval_status': 'approved', 'state': 'active'}, 'owner_org': '778c64fd-f237-4bf3-973f-25501e0f5390', 'private': False, 'state': 'active', 'title': 'Percentage of children under 5 years who have received DPT vaccination', 'type': 'dataset', 'url': 'BPS - SUSENAS KOR', 'version': '', 'resources': [{'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-08-06T04:43:27.539269', 'datastore_active': False, 'description': '###Definition:\r\n* Percentage of children under 5 years who have received DPT vaccination in 34 provinces and Indonesia.\r\n###Source:\r\n* BPS - SUSENAS KOR\r\n###Year:\r\n* 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023', 'format': 'XLSX', 'hash': '', 'id': '483add85-c0e2-4a67-8844-c767bcad7753', 'last_modified': '2024-08-06T04:43:27.489695', 'metadata_modified': '2024-10-07T09:52:45.779553', 'mimetype': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'Data in 34 provinces & Indonesia (2015-2023)', 'package_id': '47ee4b89-6d05-4aa3-8b01-c7d46cb9d0db', 'position': 0, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 18148, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}, {'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-08-06T04:44:59.883810', 'datastore_active': False, 'description': '###Definition:\r\n* Percentage of children under 5 years who have received DPT vaccination, aggregated by geography.\r\n###Source:\r\n* BPS - SUSENAS KOR\r\n###Year:\r\n* 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023', 'format': 'XLSX', 'hash': '', 'id': 'ea3cf018-5188-43b8-b83b-e1de23af81ca', 'last_modified': '2024-08-06T04:44:59.838311', 'metadata_modified': '2024-10-07T09:53:57.725443', 'mimetype': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'Data in 34 provinces & Indonesia, by geography (2015-2023)', 'package_id': '47ee4b89-6d05-4aa3-8b01-c7d46cb9d0db', 'position': 1, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 19233, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}, {'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-10-07T09:54:57.058912', 'datastore_active': False, 'description': '###Definition:\r\n* Percentage of children under 5 years who have received DPT vaccination in Aceh and its 23 districts.\r\n###Source:\r\n* BPS - SUSENAS KOR\r\n###Year:\r\n* 2021, 2022, 2023', 'format': 'XLSX', 'hash': '', 'id': '4e599d09-e994-4a10-8f51-13c39164a58e', 'last_modified': '2024-10-07T09:54:57.025918', 'metadata_modified': '2024-10-07T09:54:57.046862', 'mimetype': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'Data in Aceh & 23 districts (2021-2023)', 'package_id': '47ee4b89-6d05-4aa3-8b01-c7d46cb9d0db', 'position': 2, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 10994, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}], 'tags': [{'display_name': 'BPS', 'id': '67c89d97-dd4c-4057-a69c-cde0e0076f85', 'name': 'BPS', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}, {'display_name': 'Health', 'id': '9088ef56-dd57-4175-9bf4-f74f76b2fc2e', 'name': 'Health', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}, {'display_name': 'SDG', 'id': '27a90a95-ff73-4dc3-8457-65160fc73eba', 'name': 'SDG', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}, {'display_name': 'SDG 3', 'id': 'f94a69f6-66b9-4b01-b964-4f0aa00571d2', 'name': 'SDG 3', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}], 'extras': [], 'groups': [], 'relationships_as_subject': [], 'relationships_as_object': []}, {'author': 'UNICEF', 'author_email': '', 'creator_user_id': '0559a5db-3a26-43ab-a5a7-448bb0b37ded', 'id': 'dd3fdf02-6e87-4186-9e0f-852c1d58c2cc', 'isopen': True, 'license_id': 'other-open', 'license_title': 'Other (Open)', 'maintainer': 'UNICEF', 'maintainer_email': '', 'metadata_created': '2024-08-06T04:32:31.228168', 'metadata_modified': '2024-10-07T09:52:40.905064', 'name': 'percentage-children-under-5-years-who-received-bcg-vaccination', 'notes': '###Definition:\r\n* Percentage of children under 5 years who have received BCG vaccination. BCG stands for __Bacillus Calmette-Guérin__. The vaccine is primarily used to prevent __tuberculosis (TB)__, a serious infectious disease that mainly affects the lungs.\r\n###Unit of Measure:\r\n* Percent (%)\r\n###Year:\r\n* 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023\r\n###SDG Indicator:\r\n* __3.3__ By 2030, end the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases and combat hepatitis, water-borne diseases and other communicable diseases\r\n###CPAP Outcome:\r\n* Child Survival and Development\r\n###CPAP Output:\r\n* 1.5 EPI/Malaria/HIV', 'num_resources': 3, 'num_tags': 4, 'organization': {'id': '778c64fd-f237-4bf3-973f-25501e0f5390', 'name': 'unicef', 'title': 'UNICEF', 'type': 'organization', 'description': "UNICEF, officially United Nations Children's Fund, is an agency of the United Nations responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children worldwide. For more than 60 years, UNICEF has been reaching millions of children in Indonesia with development and humanitarian assistance.", 'image_url': '2023-05-22-082907.473359unicef.jpeg', 'created': '2023-05-22T08:20:54.352759', 'is_organization': True, 'approval_status': 'approved', 'state': 'active'}, 'owner_org': '778c64fd-f237-4bf3-973f-25501e0f5390', 'private': False, 'state': 'active', 'title': 'Percentage of children under 5 years who have received BCG vaccination', 'type': 'dataset', 'url': 'BPS - SUSENAS KOR', 'version': '', 'resources': [{'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-08-06T04:34:00.326875', 'datastore_active': False, 'description': '###Definition:\r\n* Percentage of children under 5 years who received BCG vaccination in 34 provinces and Indonesia.\r\n###Source:\r\n* BPS - SUSENAS KOR\r\n###Year:\r\n* 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023', 'format': 'XLSX', 'hash': '', 'id': 'd04918f3-b53d-4853-a6c1-aba84b1ca368', 'last_modified': '2024-08-06T04:34:00.276314', 'metadata_modified': '2024-10-07T09:51:27.188445', 'mimetype': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'Data in 34 provinces & Indonesia (2015-2023)', 'package_id': 'dd3fdf02-6e87-4186-9e0f-852c1d58c2cc', 'position': 0, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 18339, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}, {'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-08-06T04:37:40.574672', 'datastore_active': False, 'description': '###Definition:\r\n* Percentage of children under 5 years who have received BCG vaccination in 34 provinces and Indonesia, aggregated by geography.\r\n###Source:\r\n* BPS - SUSENAS KOR\r\n###Year:\r\n* 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023', 'format': 'XLSX', 'hash': '', 'id': 'aa3fe3a3-3c1d-4056-a05a-aab0819b8411', 'last_modified': '2024-08-06T04:37:40.525600', 'metadata_modified': '2024-10-07T09:52:40.911077', 'mimetype': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'Data in 34 provinces & Indonesia, by geography (2015-2023)', 'package_id': 'dd3fdf02-6e87-4186-9e0f-852c1d58c2cc', 'position': 1, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 19180, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}, {'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-10-07T09:05:26.948908', 'datastore_active': False, 'description': '###Definition:\r\n* Percentage of children under 5 years who have received BCG vaccination in Aceh and its 23 districts.\r\n###Source:\r\n* BPS - SUSENAS KOR\r\n###Year:\r\n* 2021, 2022, 2023', 'format': 'XLSX', 'hash': '', 'id': 'ea4567c7-7532-4710-a82d-7d3327e478ea', 'last_modified': '2024-10-07T09:05:26.890238', 'metadata_modified': '2024-10-07T09:49:56.978472', 'mimetype': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'Data in Aceh & 23 districts (2021-2023)', 'package_id': 'dd3fdf02-6e87-4186-9e0f-852c1d58c2cc', 'position': 2, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 11008, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}], 'tags': [{'display_name': 'BPS', 'id': '67c89d97-dd4c-4057-a69c-cde0e0076f85', 'name': 'BPS', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}, {'display_name': 'Health', 'id': '9088ef56-dd57-4175-9bf4-f74f76b2fc2e', 'name': 'Health', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}, {'display_name': 'SDG', 'id': '27a90a95-ff73-4dc3-8457-65160fc73eba', 'name': 'SDG', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}, {'display_name': 'SDG 3', 'id': 'f94a69f6-66b9-4b01-b964-4f0aa00571d2', 'name': 'SDG 3', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}], 'extras': [], 'groups': [], 'relationships_as_subject': [], 'relationships_as_object': []}, {'author': 'UNICEF', 'author_email': '', 'creator_user_id': '0559a5db-3a26-43ab-a5a7-448bb0b37ded', 'id': '27255176-bbe6-475b-ac8e-2b4f79d69705', 'isopen': True, 'license_id': 'other-open', 'license_title': 'Other (Open)', 'maintainer': 'UNICEF', 'maintainer_email': '', 'metadata_created': '2024-05-23T09:35:54.316145', 'metadata_modified': '2024-10-07T07:23:51.573622', 'name': 'percentage-children-under-5-years-received-complete-basic-immunization', 'notes': '###Definition:\r\n* __Percentage of children under 5 years who have received complete basic immunization__ refers to the percentage of children who have received all the recommended vaccines for their age according to the national immunization schedule.\r\n###Unit of Measure:\r\n* Percent (%)\r\n###Year:\r\n* 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023\r\n###SDG Indicator:\r\n* __3.3__ By 2030, end the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases and combat hepatitis, water-borne diseases and other communicable diseases\r\n###CPAP Outcome:\r\n* Child Survival and Development\r\n###CPAP Output:\r\n* 1.5 EPI/Malaria/HIV', 'num_resources': 4, 'num_tags': 4, 'organization': {'id': '778c64fd-f237-4bf3-973f-25501e0f5390', 'name': 'unicef', 'title': 'UNICEF', 'type': 'organization', 'description': "UNICEF, officially United Nations Children's Fund, is an agency of the United Nations responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children worldwide. 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March 2022.\r\n###Unit of Measure:\r\n* Count\r\n###Year:\r\n* 2022\r\n###SDG Indicator:\r\n* __3.3.1__ Number of new HIV infections per 1,000 uninfected population, by sex, age and key populations\r\n###CPAP Outcome:\r\n* Child Survival and Development\r\n###CPAP Output:\r\n* 1.5 EPI/Malaria/HIV', 'num_resources': 1, 'num_tags': 3, 'organization': {'id': '778c64fd-f237-4bf3-973f-25501e0f5390', 'name': 'unicef', 'title': 'UNICEF', 'type': 'organization', 'description': "UNICEF, officially United Nations Children's Fund, is an agency of the United Nations responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children worldwide. 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6 cigarettes per week__ during the last month.\r\n###Unit of Measure:\r\n* Percent (%)\r\n###Year:\r\n* 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023\r\n###SDG Indicator:\r\n* __3.4.1__ Mortality rate attributed to cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes or chronic respiratory disease.\r\n###CPAP Outcome:\r\n* Child Survival and Development\r\n###CPAP Output:\r\n* 1.6 Planning', 'num_resources': 3, 'num_tags': 3, 'organization': {'id': '778c64fd-f237-4bf3-973f-25501e0f5390', 'name': 'unicef', 'title': 'UNICEF', 'type': 'organization', 'description': "UNICEF, officially United Nations Children's Fund, is an agency of the United Nations responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children worldwide. 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